Create an app

To start using Synaps' services, you need to create an Synaps app. It will allows you to set up your compliance requirements and your specific verification flow.

Click on the green button "Create new app" to launch the app creation process.

1 - Chose a name

This name is important because it will be displayed in your verification flow. It should be representative to your brand or company because your end-user will see it during the process.

In this example, we are going to setup the app WeStart.

The logo will be displayed to your end-user along with your app name. It should represent your brand and be easily recognisable.

Upload your logo and make sure to crop it as a square. It will be displayed in the verification flow as shown on the preview on the right side of the upload form.

3 - Verification flow target

Synaps is offering two kind of verification target:

  • Individual

    Pick this one if you want to verify only physical person. You will be able to build a verification flow based on multiple steps such as ID Document, Proof of Residency, Phone and Liveness.

  • Corporate

    Pick this one if you want to verify only business entities. It will generate a standard and compliant KYB (Know Your Business) flow. It will requires Corporate Information, Corporate Legal Documents, Corporate Officer Verification and Ultimate Beneficial Owner verification.

4 - App Dashboard

Congratulations! Your app is created. You have now access to your app dashboard with everything you need to start creating a custom-made compliant verification flow.

Last updated